Tabs - Keep React

The Tabs Component in the Keep React allows you to organize and display content in a tabbed interface. It provides a convenient way to switch between different sections or views within a single container.

Table of Contents#

Default Tabs#

The Default Tabs component showcases the basic implementation of tabs.

Tabs With Icon#

Tabs Fill variant#

Display tabs fill variant by setting the variant prop to fill.

Tabs Underline variant#

Display tabs underline variant by setting the variant prop to underline.

Tabs API Reference#

Explore the available props for the <Tabs> component

defaultActiveWhich tabs by default will be activestringNone
variantTabs item variant

Tabs Items API Reference#

Explore the available props for the <TabsItem> component

valueThis value connect to the contentstringNone
contentClassNameContent classNamestringNone
bgClassNameContent Background classNamestringNone