Breadcrumb - Keep React

The Breadcrumbs component in the Keep React provides a navigation aid that allows users to understand their current location within a website or application. With customizable options for type, icon, divider, line, and style, you can create breadcrumbs that align with your design and enhance the navigation experience.

Table of Contents#

Default Breadcrumb#

The default Breadcrumbs component offers a simple and intuitive way for users to grasp their current location within a website or application.

  • Overview
  • Pools
  • Token
  • Colors

Border Types#

The Breadcrumbs component includes the borderType prop with two possible values: "border-xy" and "border-y".

  • Overview
  • Pools
  • Token
  • Colors
  • Overview
  • Pools
  • Token
  • Colors

Divider Icon Type#

You can use any kind of divider icon desire to your application design.

  • Overview
  • Pools
  • Token
  • Colors

Explore the available props for the <Breadcrumb> component.

borderTypeBreadcrumb border type