Breadcrumb - Keep React

The Breadcrumbs component in the Keep React provides a navigation aid that allows users to understand their current location within a website or application. With customizable options for type, icon, divider, line, and style, you can create breadcrumbs that align with your design and enhance the navigation experience.

Table of Contents#

Default Breadcrumb#

The default Breadcrumbs component offers a simple and intuitive way for users to grasp their current location within a website or application.

Border Types#

The Breadcrumbs component includes the borderType prop with two possible values: "border-xy" and "border-y".

Divider Icon Type#

The Breadcrumbs component incorporates the dividerIconStyle prop with two possible values: "slash" and "caret".

Customize Breadcrumb#

You can customize the breadcrumb component using the className props. Additionally, we provide more APIs for customizable options.

Explore the available props for the <Breadcrumb> component.

borderTypeIcon to be used as a separator between breadcrumb items.
dividerIconAn icon element to display within the breadcrumb items.ReactNodeNone
dividerIconStyleAn icon element to display within the breadcrumb items.
iconBreadcrumb main iconReactNodeHome
classNameCustom class to be added to the breadcrumb.stringNone

Item API Reference#

Explore the available props for the <Breadcrumb.Item> component.

hrefThe URL to navigate to when the breadcrumb is clicked.string#
activeTypeDefines the active state style for the breadcrumb item.
classNameCustom class to be added to the breadcrumb item wrapper.stringNone