Pagination - Keep React

The Pagination component enhances user experience by providing a user-friendly way to navigate through large sets of content. Whether its articles, search results, or product listings, Pagination breaks down the data into manageable pages, allowing users to easily access different sections.

Table of Contents#

Default Pagination#

The Default Pagination component displays a basic pagination list, allowing users to navigate between pages.

Pagination Shape#

You can customize the shape of pagination items using the shape prop. Available shapes include 'rounded' and 'circle'. By default, pagination items have a 'rounded' shape.

Enhance the navigational controls with icons to make them more visually appealing and intuitive.

Alternatively, you can use text-based navigational controls for a simpler approach.

Pagination With Input#

Allow users to switch to a specific page by entering the page number in an input field.

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Pagination API#

Here are the available props for the <Pagination> component:

shapeShape of the pagination element

Pagination Item API#

Explore the props available for the <Pagination.Item> component:

activePage is active or notbooleanfalse
asChildComponent will be rendered as a childbooleanfalse

Discover the available props for the <Pagination.Navigator> component:

shapeShape of the pagination navigator
asChildComponent will be rendered as a childbooleanfalse