Pie Chart - Keep React

The Pie Chart component offers an intuitive and visually compelling way to represent data distribution. With its circular graph divided into slices, users can easily visualize proportions and percentages of different categories within their dataset. Customizable features such as colors and hierarchical levels enhance the charts versatility, making it an essential tool for data analysis and presentation.

Table of Contents#


This component uses Recharts for chart rendering. You need to install the Recharts library to use the Pie Chart component in your project.

npm i recharts

Default Pie Chart#

The Default Pie Chart component provides a simple yet effective way to represent data distribution using a circular graph divided into slices.

Pie Chart Label#

Pie Chart Custom Label#

Pie Chart Legend#

Pie Chart Donut#

Pie Chart Donut Active#

Pie Chart Donut Text#


To learn more about the Pie chart, please see the documentation of Recharts